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Smallweb Plugins

The smallweb CLI can be extended with plugins. To create a new plugin, just create a script in $SMALLWEB_DIR/.smallweb/plugins. The script name (without the extension) will be mapped to a cli subcommand.

Ex: if i create the following file as $SMALLWEB_DIR/.smallweb/plugins/


if [ -z "$1" ]; then
    echo "Usage: smallweb edit <app>"
    exit 1

code "$SMALLWEB_DIR/$1"

I will be able to run smallweb edit my-app to open the my-app folder in VSCode.

Environment variables available to plugins

  • SMALLWEB_VERSION: The version of the smallweb CLI.
  • SMALLWEB_DIR: The directory where the smallweb apps are stored.
  • SMALLWEB_DOMAIN: The domain where the smallweb apps are served from.